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Bio Information
International Messianic musicians, Mishkanim (also known as Aline & Howie), have been travelling sharing praise and worship music in Israel and across the nations including Ireland, Wales, Germany, Korea, Dubai, Spain, Switzerland, Costa Rica, and many other countries. They write and record music blending styles from around the world which encourages congregational dance, additionally they engage congregations in times of extended deep worship and intercessory prayer. Their reports of what the father is doing across the globe bring a spirit-filled, vital edge to gatherings, conferences, home groups, and coffee houses in the Hebrew Roots community and churches alike. Their 7 CD recordings are fresh and prophetic for the seasons and times which the body of Messiah, and the world are facing.
The British/American, husband and wife duo perform songs in English, Hebrew, and Spanish. They have been married and praising together for 15 years, each having been worship leaders and professional musicians/singers prior to their marriage.